As most Philly fans are probably aware, the NY Post yesterday led with a headline article, "Gotham Trembles: The Frillies are Coming to Town,"complete with a doctored picture of Victorino sporting a tutu. The article itself contained such witty gems as comparing the iconic Statue of Liberty to Philly cheesesteaks as an illustration of NY's cultural superiority and,of course, trumpeting the Yankees dominant record in the Series (although,naturally, they failed to mention that such domination took place so long ago that most fans of those teams are now drooling in nursing homes -- and they're the lucky ones!).
Now, Kotite's Corner has no problem with trash talking, and we get the time-honored sporting fan tradition of putting down the opponent's city. It works both ways, so no problemo. But -- there should be some standards of intelligence, wit, creativity, or at least a modicum of cleverness to such displays of homerism. The problem KC has with the Post article isn't that it attempts to trash Philly, but the fact that the attempt is so lame, childish, and brain dead as to be genuinely disrespectful. Hell, if you're going to publicly trash a city, at least have enough respect to bring out the heavy artillery! The Post article is like a little boy in short pants shooting a popgun...But, then, what else would be expected from a raggy tabloid like the NY Post? In this regard, a few observations are in order:
The NY Post: Widely considered a trashy tabloid along the lines of the National Enquirer -- but without the latter's covertly sardonic humor --the modern Post is the brainchild of Rupert Murdoch, the Australian robber baron responsible for the truly un-American atrocity known as Fox (Fixed)News -- that haven of fringe right wing blowhards and nut cases who spew fascist and racist paranoid delusions over the public airways. The NY Posits nothing more than the print version of this nasty, hate-mongering,elementary school-level of bogus "journalism."
The Statue of Liberty: Interesting that NY claims "ownership" of this American icon. Geographically, it's actually located 2,000 feet from Jersey City, NJ, but 2 miles from New York City! While sitting in New York Harbor,Liberty Island is officially federal territory, not an extension of NY.This is simply another case of that boorish city's outrageous sense of entitlement and ego. NY has even dishonestly appropriated the address of this landmark! The federally recognized address by the US Postal Service was Liberty Island, Jersey City, NJ 07305. A bunch of typically dirty NY politicians corruptly engineered a change of address to 1 Liberty Island,New York, NY 10004. This would be like Philly annexing Delaware, and declaring it a section of the city. Pure BS!! And, anyhow, is a statue constructed and donated by the French -- of all people -- really something to get excited about? At least cheesesteaks are home-grown; they weren't concocted and sent over the Atlantic by effete Europeans who couldn't even defend their own county in two world wars...
The Myth of the New York Fan: Unlike Philly, there is no united fan base in NY. A good half of NYers despise the Yankees even more than we do --they're Mets fans. In fact, the majority of Yankee supporters don't even live in NY -- they're from North Jersey. Now this really isn't a surprise since several "NY teams" are actually located in Jersey -- the Giants,Jets, & Nets. But, as with the Statue of Liberty, NY simply declares ownership of whatever it wants.
The Luminaries of NY: Here's a partial list of great Americans born in NYC (thanks to the Inky's Gonzo for pointing this out): Al Capone; pop culture disasters Mariah Carey; Vin Diesel; shameless self-promoter Sean Combs/Puff Daddy/Puffy P/Diddy Diddy, etc., etc.; IQ-challenged Fixed News wingnut Sean Hannity; pitiful ex-NBAer Stephon Marbury; Nazi hate-mongerer Ann Coulter; father of the atomic bomb Robert Oppenheimer; and possibly the most toxic of all -- Lindsay Lohan. Thanks, New York, for your sterling contributions to American society!!
As Mark Twain once noted, there are generally two types of people: those who accomplish things and those who claimed to have accomplished things --and the first group is less crowded. Given the population of that city, I think we know to which group New Yorkers belong...
Nice post Dr. G, you bring the intelligence back to Kotite's Corner. It's nice to see someone putting time into their NYC hatred instead of just shouting "Yankees Suck".
I agree that Dr. G's intelligence helps the cause, but I prefer boorish phrases and there just happens to be one that always comes to mind:
Well said Dr. G, and C-Money. I agree with all of the above.
Oh shit! I completely forgot to include another of NYC's gifts to American culture, and clearly one of the best: international chump and obnoxious fraud David Blaine, that endlessly self-promoting "street magician." Gotta hand it to you NY, you certainly have a knack for producing walking human toxic waste...
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