
Top 101 Mustaches in Pop Culture (30-21)

30. James Franco

I would expect to see a guy like this sitting next to me at a peep show

29. Randy Johnson

Curly mullet plus the best Zappa since Frank Zappa himself.

Rod Beck

A long thick Fu Manchu will put you high on my list.

27. Richard Petty

Richard Petty's mustache has gotten smaller over the years, but no one forgets how amazing it used to look.

26. Mike Maddux

His brother Greg may have been a better pitcher, but Mike wins the mustache department

Don Mattingly

If baseball had a mustache hall of fame, Mattingly would be in it on the first ballot.

24. Dave Wannstedt

Even though he is coaching an awful Pitt football team, that can't knock him off the list

23. George Parros

Wow amazing.

22. Lemmy Kilmister

Lemmy is the man, bringing back the Civil War stache

21. Aaron Rodgers

He Looks like a father in a 80's sitcom, great stache

Click to view 20-11

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wannstedt is the man. Who is this Willard chump. Sounds like some monotone loser who plays with rats in his free time and listens to death metal, and watches goth porn.