
Fool's Gold

Delusions die hard. They are either comforting (delusions of grandeur), or at least provide the safety of knowing who’s out to get you (delusions of persecution). In both cases, they place you at the center of the universe, blameless for bad decisions and irrational actions. It is probably fitting that the fantasy of the Gold Standard came crashing to earth in Cincinnati, a city justly famous for its pro football futility. As Philly fans, we have long known it was Fool’s Gold, tantalizing but falsely overvalued. Now the world knows it too, or at least the world outside NovaCare. Inside it’s a different story. In NovaCare Land, the Eagles are just a pitch & catch away from glory. In NovaCare Land, “…there’s no waver in our confidence…we’ve done a lot of great things this year and will continue to do great things.” In NovaCare Land, OT periods can go on forever. Yes, delusions die hard, and when they do things usually go downhill quickly – as quickly as the price of Fool’s Gold.


Anonymous said...

Dr. G, maybe if I had 7 post grad degree's I would understand this. But my analysis with just an undergrad degree is you like to hear yourself talk.

Anonymous said...

Gee, eleanor, and I thought that was kind of the idea of a blog: to hear (actually "see") yourself talk about topics that interest you, and see what others have to say. Sort of like conversation. But I guess it's hard to make out what others are saying through all the racket there in the dog pound...

Anonymous said...

Fools gold is a great way to describe the Eagles, they look good from a distance but the closer you examine them you realize that they are just phoney.

Anonymous said...

Eleanor....it says that the Eagles suck, they are just too busy patting themselves on the back to realize it!